A Day In The Life Of A Who, continued....
A stop at High Rock was also quite a treat, where you’d meet the real hard core drinkers, Bear Who, & his brother, “Pork Chop” (Porky) & the rest of the boys from Poughkeepsie, NY, most of them were in the drum corps, The New York Skyliner’s.(lots of people wouldn’t make it out of here, one of the cottages where the “lay down” people trekking back & forth all night could be found, eventually) (Shirley Temple was in the Skyliner’s, but he usually hung out at Dick’s.) You could always count on Porky as the comic relief of any party. We’ll get to more about him later in the story…………
South Wholand was where you’d meet the local yocals! Ledge Lodge and the next cottage were home to Travel Director, Kenny Who & brother Ted Who. Everyone was always askin the same question…….”Where’s Ted?” even though his place was full of people!This is where you always heard the national anthems and everyone would leave their mark by signing Kenny’s tablecloth! Kenny would always play The Little Drummer Boy on the trumpet at some point, I mean, after all, it was a XMAS Party! Kenny’s place was quite unique as well, with a huge assortment of toilet paper in his bathroom, mostly none of it ever used & a ZZ Top style hot rod body in the front room.This is where the “Stereo Outhouses” were located, the horseshoe pits, Wholand Springs and later in time, the golf course & yacht club!
continued on next page...