A Day In The Life Of A Who, continued...
So this party would begin on Friday with being picked up from the Reception Center or "Gilligan's Island", by some “who-knows-who” (whoever heard you or saw you signal them) from the other side in their boat. Another thing was that since “you can’t get there from here”, remember, you might NOT get back to here from there so don’t plan on ANY specific time schedule. Any true Who knew this without being told.
Once across the river, it was “meet and greet”and always time for your first “pull” to get started. It would take several treks north and south to visit every one, for every cottage had something unique to offer in the way of music, beverages, activities.
Stopping at the first (and only) traffic light in North Wholand would get you to Dick’s place and one game quite popular here was “SPOONS”. Only an experienced Who knows how to play this card game and the rules were never shared with the newcomer. They had to figure it out on their own. One thing was shared though, if you lose the hand, you must take a pull! and Sometimes it took many pulls before figuring it out! Dick's place was also where you’d expect to find “Mom Who”, “Snooze Who”, “Shirley Temple”, “Lucille” and possibly the only place with something edible during the whole party. Shirley Temple could always be counted on to create a drum set out of various items sitting around…pots and pans, plastic buckets, an old metal chair, etc… and play the hell out of em' Everybody grabbed something to play, like a washboard, or tambourine, bells, maracas, or whatever.
continued on next page...